Sunday, March 23, 2008

Welcome Video Message

Hehehe! Now you get to see ME on video! I sure did felt self- conscious. I did this in my room. Yes, behind me are pictures of me! How tacky can you get!?

Lazy day. Hot lazy summer day that is. :D


Easter Sunday!

Oh yeah, I've been quite a terrible Catholic for the past Holy Week because I have been all over the place because I was so happy that I had vacation time, a rare happening because I have a friggin' full time job. I didn't think of just staying still at our house and 'reflect' like what my mom would advise me to do so. Instead, I went out with friends (Hi Sassy!) almost every night (though I did go to church with mom and my lil' bro Jeremi, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday).

Black Saturday found me in a resort with Ycoy, Jep and Donald. We wound up playing card games (yeah, we just didn't feel like swimming) then going for coffee afterwards and a few beers (and I mean few, coz' we are already beat up) at a bar that's open. I got home at 1AM.

As I look back in the past couple of days, maybe I became so restless because I didn't want to think about it anymore. I have just been through a heartbreak and I'm sick of wallowing. Although, this isn't the healthiest way of getting over because it includes alcohol and late nights...but it has friends and that's what I needed.

I needed new stories. New point of views. Familiar faces. Familiar feelings.

I no longer needed theories or hypotheses on why we didn't work out...I just wanted to forget...for now.

So now it's Sunday and it's time to relax. I am here and I am in anticipation of a great Summer.
And I think I'd be watching the PBB Teen Edition Plus pilot on TV later tonight. I was a fan of PBB...I think this is just great to keep me pre-occupied, at least at night time.

Oh damn!

I am burning in my room (I guess my windows suck up the heat especially during afternoons)! Summer is indeed here. :) It's welcome.

Hello People!

Hey there! I'm sure you guys just happened to get here through my friendster (search it thru or multiply ( account...well, here's where everything gets a little personal, superficial, stupid and quite interesting. Hehehehe...

This is my online blog where I plan to open up--the farthest that my ego can, that is. I just wish everyone would do the same so we can stop having mixed signals on thoughts and feelings because they aren't expressed. I find it healthy when you share your thoughts, not just through conversations but also in front of your computer or a journal because it's just you and you. And other netizens. :D

I am inspired by other people and their blogs because they're putting their life out there. Just the act of 'putting it out there' is already art for me . I am a sucker for art.

So let's bring it on.